Student Handbook
Page Navigation
- Student Handbook
- Athletics and Activities
- Attendance
- Career and College Technical Educational Opportunities
- Policies & Procedures Philosophy
- Security and Buildings and Grounds
Student Behavior
- Academic Honesty
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
- Bus Conduct & Expectations
- Cafeteria Conduct
- Gang Activity
- Hallway Procedures
- Harassment of Students
Infractions and Interventions
- Interventions and Consequences
- Distribution of Policy
- Discipline Based on Parent Refusal to Administer/Consent to Admin Medications
- Enrollment of Students Under Suspension or Expulsion in Preceding School District
- Misconduct By Students With Disabilities
- Delegation of Authority
- Required Notices
- Re-Engagement of Returning Students
- Weapons
- Prohibited Student Conduct
- Disciplinary Measures
- Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee
- Investigating Sexting
- Pranks
- Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
- Time Out and Physical Restraint
- Student Records
- Student Rights
- Student Services
- Technology
Age of Majority (18-year-old Students)
Students who reach the age of 18 continue to be subject to school rules and regulations. Reports on academic performance, absences, and misbehavior are sent to the parents/guardians of those students who are living with or being supported by their parents/guardians, as are notices of student decisions made in lieu of parental consent.
Parents/guardians of students over age 18 are still required to call the Attendance Office to report an absence.