Student Handbook
Page Navigation
- Student Handbook
- Athletics and Activities
- Attendance
- Career and College Technical Educational Opportunities
- Policies & Procedures Philosophy
- Security and Buildings and Grounds
Student Behavior
- Academic Honesty
- Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
- Bus Conduct & Expectations
- Cafeteria Conduct
- Gang Activity
- Hallway Procedures
- Harassment of Students
Infractions and Interventions
- Interventions and Consequences
- Distribution of Policy
- Discipline Based on Parent Refusal to Administer/Consent to Admin Medications
- Enrollment of Students Under Suspension or Expulsion in Preceding School District
- Misconduct By Students With Disabilities
- Delegation of Authority
- Required Notices
- Re-Engagement of Returning Students
- Weapons
- Prohibited Student Conduct
- Disciplinary Measures
- Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee
- Investigating Sexting
- Pranks
- Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
- Time Out and Physical Restraint
- Student Records
- Student Rights
- Student Services
- Technology
All visitors are required to enter the building through a supervised entrance. All visitors must show a valid photo ID, sign in, and visibly wear a visitor’s badge while in the school. Visitors will NOT be permitted to enter the building until their appointment is confirmed by school security. Visitors leaving the school must sign out and return their visitor badges at the security desk.
If the purpose of an individual’s visit is related to the observation or evaluation of students with disabilities, please see Board Policy 6-125, Classroom Visitation for Observation or Evaluation of Students with Disabilities, for the terms and conditions applicable to such visits.
This visitor’s policy applies to all visitors, including DHS or HPHS alumni. Alumni must have a pre-arranged appointment with a staff member. Alumni will be allotted a 1-hour time limit within the building.
The District reserves the right to deny visitors entry to a school building due to special circumstances which may exist. Visitors are subject to all school rules and Board Policies.