• Emergency Procedures

    Fire Alarms

    A loud, high-pitched variable-toned sound identifies the fire alarm. Upon its activation, teachers will direct students out of the building in an orderly fashion beyond the fire lane by the prescribed exit route posted in each classroom. Only specifically designated employees may remain in the building. All other persons must exit and remain beyond the fire lane until the all-clear bell rings upon which time everyone should proceed directly to their destination. 

    Active Threat

    District 113 follows the ALICE response to an active threat in the building.  When possible, a staff member will announce the active threat and its location via the P.A. system and/or phone system.  All individuals will respond in accordance to the threat location and follow trained protocols the buildings have instructed.  Law enforcement will be in charge of the campus and instruct individuals on steps to follow.  

    Severe Weather

    A steady ringing of the class period bell identifies a severe weather alert. Information will be provided via the P.A. and/or phone system about weather conditions. Individuals are to move to interior locations away from glass and other hazards.  Information will be shared when the National Weather Service provides the all-clear.