• Truancy 

    Students who are absent without valid cause are considered to be truant. Any student who is absent from school without valid cause for 5% percent or more is considered to be a “chronic” or “habitual” truant. The Superintendent or designee will manage an absenteeism and truancy program in accordance with the School Code and School Board policy.

    If a pattern of absences/truancy develops, District 113 will provide support by working with the student and their family/guardian(s) to determine the reason for the absences and provide supportive services and resources designed to improve attendance. Support services and resources may include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. Interview with student and family/guardian(s) to discuss and address absences
    2. Attendance meeting(s)
    3. Attendance contract
    4. Academic supports and services
    5. Social/emotional support and services
    6. Health service referral
    7. Problem-solving team referral
    8. Other specialized and appropriate supports and interventions

    Other specialized and appropriate support and interventions efforts will be documented when supports are offered and refused by the student and/or parent/guardian.

    Continued chronic truancy may result in punitive action after the provision of supportive services and resources. Students who are 17 years of age or younger and are chronically truant will be referred to the Lake County Regional Office of Education Truancy program and/or local police agencies as required by law, once all support services and resources have been exhausted.

    A chronically truant student 17 years of age or older is subject to denial of enrollment for failure to meet minimum academic or attendance standards as outlined in the School Code.


    Leaving building to go to a vehicle in parking lot

    Students parked in the lot who need to retrieve something from their car may get a car pass in the Deans’ Office. Students must show the pass to security staff prior to walking out of the building. Disciplinary action will be taken if a student leaves the building without obtaining the appropriate pass.


    Early Dismissal

    Students who have an early release from school are expected to leave the building promptly at the end of their last class. If the school day schedule has been modified for an assembly, for example, it is the student’s responsibility to remain in all of his or her classes until the end of their schedule.