• Study Hall & Resource Periods


    Study Hall

    All students will be assigned a study hall if they have open periods in their schedule. Study Halls are designed to provide academic support by giving students a specific time during the school day to work on academic assignments and study for assessments. Student attendance at Study Hall is mandatory. Attendance is taken each day by the Study Hall teacher.

    Study Halls are designed to be flexible to meet the needs of each individual student. When necessary for a student to complete an academic assignment or study for an assessment, a student may request a pass from the Study Hall teacher to:

    • Attend appointments with teachers to discuss assignments and assessments;
    • Go to Testing Center
    • Go to the library (for academic purposes)
    • Seek academic support in designated resource centers


    Students must leave the other resource area 10 minutes before the end of the period and return to the Study Hall with 5 minutes remaining in the class period. Students may use the same pass; but for each use it must be signed and dated/timed by the Study Hall teacher. 

    Students may have the opportunity to utilize the Library, department resource centers, Deerfield High School Student Union, or Highland Park High School Cafeteria areas, during their study hall time. 



    The library may be utilized by students during resource periods according to the following provisions:   Passes are not required for a student to use the library during their lunch or resource period. Students are expected to follow the library Behavior Code posted and available in the library, or they may lose their library privileges. Students are encouraged to use the library during their Resource time for in-depth and reference study work on independent and research projects.


    Resource Areas

    Our high schools offer a variety of academic and physical resources for students to access during their school day. At DHS the resources include the Academic Resource Center (ARC), the College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) and the Athletic/Physical Education Resource Center (PERC). Hours are posted at these locations for student use. At HPHS the resources include The Learning Center (TLC), the College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) and the Fitness Center for PE makeups. 


    Student Union

    At Deerfield High School, located adjacent to the cafeteria, this area provides students a variety of options during their resource period. In a casual atmosphere, students may relax with friends, study informally or just become aware of the many student activities taking place here at DHS.



    Students who wish to use their resource period for visiting and group study may go to the Cafeteria.


    Outside Areas

    Students may use the inner courtyard area when they are open. Students are not allowed on the private property surrounding the campus.

    These special procedures will pertain to students’ use of their resource period:

    Unauthorized Areas: Students may not be in unauthorized areas of the building during their resource period i.e. locker rooms or academic hallways. Students are not allowed to access parking lots unless given permission through the Deans' office to be outside the building.