• Policies and Procedures Philosophy

    Rules and Expectations

    At school, everyone’s rights are protected when we all respect the rights of others. Each student is responsible for their own actions and must understand that personal choices have consequences.

    If necessary, the Principal or their designee may contact legal authorities if there is evidence of illegal activity.

    It’s important for students to know the school rules and follow them. These rules are provided in this online Parent/Student Handbook, which is shared with all students within the first 15 days of school or when a new student joins. The handbook covers topics like attendance, behavior, lockers, lunchroom rules, health and safety, and school activities.

    If a student is being disciplined, they will be informed of what they did wrong and have a chance to share their side of the story.

    District 113 behavior expectations follow federal, state, and local laws, as well as our Board of Education policies. Each year, a committee of students, parents, teachers, and administrators (P-TAC) reviews these rules to make sure they are fair and up to date. For more detailed information on our policies, visit Board Policy Online.