• Lake County High School Technology Campus 


    The Tech Campus offers excellent educational opportunities to District 113 students who wish to obtain and to extend their technical skills. Since students taking courses at the Tech Campus divide their school day between their home high school and the Tech Campus, it is important to outline District 113 expectations as they relate to the Tech Campus.


    Transportation between the Tech Campus and the District 113 home school is provided. Students are not permitted to drive their own cars.  Students who do not adhere to the transportation requirements may lose Tech Campus privileges.


    Once students make the decision to attend classes at the Tech Campus, they also make a commitment to attend those classes in order to enhance their ability to succeed. Therefore, students will follow the Tech Campus calendar. This means that if the Tech Campus is in session but District 113 is not in session, students will attend their Tech Campus classes. District 113 will provide transportation whenever the Tech Campus is in session except on weekends and during the summer.

    Attendance, as outlined in the “Attendance” section of this handbook, will apply to the Tech Campus. Unauthorized absences are subject to disciplinary action.

    There may be occasions when schedule conflicts require students to make a choice between attending their Tech Campus classes and attending their District 113 classes. Students should consider their academic obligations on the day in question when making this decision. For example, if there is an exam scheduled in their Tech Campus class, they should attend Tech Campus and miss that portion of the day in their District 113 classes. Other District 113-related excused absences might include a District 113 field trip, an in-school appointment with a college representative, or District testing. The building liaisons will monitor student attendance decisions and schedule conferences with students who need guidance making attendance decisions on conflict days.

    Student Behavior and Discipline

    The Lake County Technology Campus is an extension of District 113; therefore, all behavior procedures as outlined in the Student/Parent/Guardian Handbook apply to students attending the Tech Campus.

    Tech Campus officials will notify the building liaisons regarding behavioral issues involving District 113 students. The building liaisons will refer the problem to the Deans’ office with a behavior referral.