• Library

    The library is available most days from 7:00 am to (DHS: 3:30 p.m.; HPHS: 4:30). On late start days, the library opens at 8:30 am and is open until (DHS: 3:30 p.m.; HPHS: 4:30). The library classroom is for classes only and is reserved by teachers. Students may use one of the collaboration rooms in the library after presenting a current student ID.

    The library offers a variety of print and electronic resources to students. Most print resources can be checked out for a period of three weeks with the exception of reference materials and short-term check-out materials which are high in demand.

    Electronic subscription services are purchased to support the curriculum and are available both from school and home. Home access requires user names and passwords that are available from library staff. The subscription services may be accessed from the library home page.

    Chromebooks are available for checkout during the school day through the Library at DHS and through the Technology Office at HPHS. Chromebooks may only be borrowed 5 times per semester.

    While working in the library, students are expected to use appropriate behavior. This includes:

    • Following all directions given by staff.
    • Not eating food; only drinks with tops will be allowed.
    • The use of phones is limited to texting only.
    • Using appropriate voice levels.
    • Use their electronic devices respectfully


    For specific information about our schools’ libraries go to: 


    DHS: https://www.dist113.org/Page/122 HPHS: https://www.dist113.org/domain/251