• Why Did D113 Schools Choose Weapons Detectors for Our Schools?

    The District is constantly evaluating its safety and security measures. This expansion of the weapons detection systems is a proactive measure to prevent potential threats from entering the school environment. Weapons detectors serve as a preventive tool, adding an extra layer of security as part of the District’s strong commitment to maintaining a safe learning environment.


    Is this an Expansion in Response to a Particular Threat?
    No. As stated above, the District is constantly evaluating its safety and security measures, as well as learning the research from experts like the FBI, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, the National Threat Assessment Center, etc. Best practices and procedures evolve over time and that is exactly what we do in District 113.

    How Does the Randomization Process Work?

    Every time a student scans their ID as they enter the building a random number is generated. That number will determine if that particular student is in the pool selected for screening. The percentage of the student body to be screened on a daily basis will be determined by the District Security Director. 


    How Many Times Can a Student Be Selected for Screening?

    Since the selection process is randomized, there is no limit to the number of times an individual student can be selected for screening. There is also a possibility of being chosen for weapons screening on consecutive days.


    Who Will Staff the WDS Units?

    The weapons detection process, and the electronic screening devices, will be managed and operated by trained D113 security personnel. 


    When Will Expanded, Randomized WDS Screening Start?

    For security reasons, an exact date will not be announced.


    If Selected, What Will Students Need to Do to Proceed Quickly through the WDS?

    Students will need to remove any metal objects (laptops, water bottles, metal binders, glass cases, phone cases, etc.) from their pockets and bags. These items will be placed in a bin and the student will proceed through the screening device. The items placed in the bin will be checked by the WDS operator and returned upon successful completion of the screening process.


    Is District 113 Screening for Drugs?

    No. However, any items that are prohibited by school policy and discovered during the screening process will be confiscated. The matter will then be referred to the Dean's Office for further action.


    How Does the K9 Weapons Detection Program Complement the Expanded, Randomized WDS Screening?

    Both of these programs are designed to deter and detect the presence of weapons on D113 property. The WDS will be deployed at our entrances to screen students and visitors as they arrive. The K9 Weapons Detection Program will operate in all areas of the building during the school day to provide continuous mobile surveillance as complementary detection coverage.


    What Happens if a Weapon is Found?

    District 113 has a zero-tolerance policy for weapons on school grounds. Anyone attempting to bring a weapon into our schools will have the weapon confiscated and will be immediately referred to law enforcement for criminal charges. 


    How Does the Weapons Detection System Work? 

    The system utilizes two towers that students and visitors walk through at a natural pace. If the towers turn green, no potential threat has been detected and the individual passes through without stopping. A staff member will assist in monitoring the screening device to identify if a potential threat has been detected. If a potential threat is detected, the student or visitor will move to the secondary screening process.


    Will the Detection System Alert for Vapes?

    Yes, the system is capable of detecting vapes and similar devices. See answer immediately above.


    Is the Detection System Safe for People with an Implanted or Wearable Medical Device?

    In keeping with FDA guidance on Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and walk-through weapons detectors, it is recommended that visitors and system operators with implantable or wearable medical devices consult their device manufacturer or physician for information relating to their own specific device. An alternative screening approach is recommended for anyone who has safety concerns.


    Are These Systems Safe for Long-term Exposure, i.e. for Individuals Screening Daily or Personnel Operating the System?

    The detection system uses extremely low-frequency radio waves (ELF) - a non-ionizing sensing modality - in compliance with the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineer’s (IEEE) 2019 guidance for safe operation with the general public, which applies to regular/occupational as well as infrequent exposure.


    Will District 113 Use WDS Outside of the Regular School Day?

    Any further deployment of the WDS will be evaluated at a later time.


    Why Doesn’t District 113 Use the WDS to Screen Every Student Every Day?

    The District continues to focus on a multi-layered approach to school safety and security. The electronic weapons detection process is being implemented in a manner that supports our other strategies and is scalable on an as-needed basis. All of our security measures have been designed to limit disruptions in the educational process and minimize impact on the school’s positive climate and culture.


    In addition, weapon screening every student every day, at the sensitivity necessary to be truly effective, requires the infrastructure and staffing typically seen at U.S. airports.


    How Can Parents/Guardians/Caregivers Support this Initiative?

    Parents and caregivers can support this initiative by ensuring their students understand the procedures and comply with the rules. District 113 appreciates the community's support and partnership in maintaining a safe educational environment. Everyone can support safety in District 113 by speaking up to report concerns by submitting an anonymous tip to the D113 Tip Line by phone or text at (844) 224-1521, or through the web portal. In an emergency, call 911. 
