Guidelines for keeping your student home sick
Below are some guidelines to help you determine whether to keep your child home from school.
- A fever of 100° F or higher. Keep students home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.
- Unexplained vomiting or diarrhea.
- Serious, sustained coughing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
- New rash accompanied by a fever. May return after rash resolves or the student is cleared by a health care provider.
- A skin lesion or sore that cannot be covered with a bandage, or is getting worse.
- If a student is prescribed antibiotics for a contagious disease, the student may return to school after they have been on the antibiotic for 24 hours.
- Symptoms that prevent a student from participating in school activities require more care than the school can safely provide.
If your student is ill and has not been to school yet, please call the attendance office to report them absent: (224)632-3001.
If your student has notified you that they are ill and needs to go home, please advise them to go to the Health Services office. Then please call the Health Services number (224)632-3200, and let us know your child's name, why they are going home, and how they are getting home.
If your student has left school ill and returns on the same day, they must sign in through the Health Services office.