• Freshman Advisory

    The Freshman Advisory Program at DHS is designed to facilitate a smooth transition for incoming high school students by providing essential support and guidance. Our primary objective is to acquaint students with DHS, ensuring their integration into high school life is seamless. Led by dedicated teachers and senior advisors, we prioritize building strong relationships and fostering a safe environment where students can seek advice and discuss any challenges they may encounter.


    Throughout the year, students benefit from a variety of presentations and lessons delivered by key figures within our school community, including the Deans, Activities & Athletic Directors, Principal, School Resource Officer, Social Workers, Instructional Technology Teacher, and Librarians. These sessions cover a range of topics, from academic planning to personal development, enhancing students' understanding and connection to their school.


    In Freshman Advisory, our focus extends beyond academic support to include the cultivation of essential life skills such as effective study habits, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. Through collaborative activities and targeted guidance, students develop self-awareness and social skills crucial for navigating both personal relationships and academic responsibilities.


    Our counselors play an active role within each advisory group, providing tailored support to freshmen in academic planning and social adjustment. Together with advisory teachers, they assist students in crafting personalized academic plans that align with their goals at DHS and beyond.


    Overall, Freshman Advisory at DHS is dedicated to empowering students with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive academically, socially, and personally throughout their high school journey. By fostering a supportive community and offering comprehensive guidance, we aim to instill confidence and resilience in our freshmen as they embark on this important phase of their education.