Graduation Requirements
Minimum Credit Requirements
Credit is earned for passing work at the end of each semester of study. Most courses, unless stated differently, are assigned one credit per semester. Forty-one (41) credits are required for graduation.
Subject Area Required Number of Years/Semesters English 4 years Mathematics 3 years (including Algebra and Geometry) Physical Education 4 years (except during semester of health) Science 2 years Social Studies 2 years (including one year of U.S. History and Civics) World Language 2 years (Class of 2026 and beyond) Applied Arts 1 semester Fine Arts 1 semester Health 1 semester Traffic Safety 1 semester (or completion of a private traffic safety course) Other Requirements
Computer Literacy - The following courses fulfill the Computer Literacy requirement:
- Honors Business Incubator
- Graphic Design
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Cybersecurity
- AP Spanish Language
- Perspectives in World History
- Photo I & II
- World History
Constitution - This requirement is fulfilled by successfully completing the Constitution unit in U.S. History or American Studies or by passing a separate examination.Consumer Education - Students at DHS can meet this state requirement by earning credit in any of the following courses:
- Introduction to Business
- Economics
- AP Economics
- Consumer Economics
- Contemporary Living
- Consumer Math Foundations
- General Work Study
- Business Math
Dance/Physical Education Option - Fine Arts Dance may always be taken in addition to P.E. During a student’s sophomore, junior and senior years, it may be taken instead of P.E. During sophomore year, a full year of dance fulfills both the P.E. and Fine Arts requirements. (Health must be taken concurrently with the full year of dance to earn fine art credit.)Health/Physical Education Option - The district allows students to be released from one semester of Physical Education during the school year (not Summer School) during the sophomore year, when students are required to take Health Education. This reduces the total number of Physical Education credits required for graduation from eight (8) to seven (7).
Traffic Safety - Students must successfully complete this non-credit course or show evidence that they have taken it privately.