Health Services

  • Office Hours:

    • Regular days: 7:15 am to 3:14 pm
    • Late start days: 9:00 am to 3:14 pm


    Students: If you become ill during the school day, please follow the protocol in the DHS Student Handbook 

    • Come to Health Services Room B 102 to see your School Nurse who will assess you for illness or injury.
    • Health Services will contact your parents/ guardians if you must be sent home. You will be given a "Leave Campus" pass from Health Services to exit through Security at the main entrance. 
    • If you leave campus without following these procedures, you will have an unexcused absence for classes missed and this will not be reversed.
    • Please do not have your parent/guardian call the attendance office about going home ill during the school day. They should contact Health Services directly at  224.632.3200.

    Annual reminders

    If your student has a known health condition such as asthma, diabetes, seizures, or food allergies, please provide Health Services with:

    • Permission to Administer Medication form: find a link on the "Important Documents" Health Service webpage 
    • Action Plan: find a link on the "Important Documents" Health Service webpage 
    • Supplies for the School Nurse to treat your students effectively during the school day
    • DHS Health Services has a stock supply of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin). However, only students who have D113 Permission to Administer Medication form on file will be able to have these dispensed during the school day.  
    • Reminder: District 113 policy does not allow students to carry any medication, prescription or non-prescription, on campus during the school day; exceptions are epinephrine auto-injectors, asthma rescue inhalers, and diabetes medication.

    Please feel free to contact us on 224-632-3200 if you have any questions.



    Alison McTague MSN, M.Ed., RN, PEL-CSN
    School Nurse
    Phone: 224-632-3203

    Sharon Urban MSN, RN, PEL-CSN
    School Nurse
    Phone: 224-632-3201

    Audelia Santano
    Health Services Administrative Assistant
    Phone: 224-632-3200
    General Health Services Email
    Fax: 224-632-3206