• Applied Arts

    Welcome to the Applied Arts Department! Where we bring a life-skills-based education, from the world, into the classroom. Applied Arts classes are available to all students. 

    It consists of the following areas:

    Business Education

    Communication Technology

    Family and Consumer Science

    Lake County High Schools Technology Campus

    While specific goals vary within each area, our department emphasizes:

    1. Developing a sound character, the ability to work with others, skills in planning and safety and a sense of responsibility toward active participation in a democratic society.

    2. Providing a vocational program that will prepare students for entry into business and industry by equipping them with vocational knowledge and marketable skills.

    3. Training students to use the resources at hand for the greatest personal and family satisfaction, and to make effective use of leisure time in creative, vocational activities. Applied Arts courses are open to all students.

    One semester of Applied Arts is required for graduation.

    For more information on our classes, please click this link to our Program of Studies.