• Advanced Placement 2025 -Important Ordering Information:

    Students will receive“Join Codes” from their AP teachers to join AP Classroom and to register for their exams. 

    By using the join code, students are automatically enrolled in the exam and a fee of $99 per exam will be added to their Infinite Campus account after the November ordering deadline

    Students that do not wish to take the exam must read and complete the AP Exam Opt Out Request (2025) form by November 14, 2024, to avoid a $40 cancellation fee (see below for more information about the opt out form).

    What are Advanced Placement (AP) exams? 

    Advanced Placement (AP) tests are college-level exams on specific subjects given by College Board. HPHS students who are enrolled in AP courses are strongly encouraged to take the exam in May 2025, as students who score a 3 or above can earn college credit at many colleges and universities. In addition, students who self-study for an exam (that is, they are not currently taking the corresponding AP course at HPHS but are studying on their own) can also sit for the exam. 

    28 AP Exams Go Digital in May 2025

    Starting in May 2025, standard paper testing will be discontinued for 28 AP Exams—these exams will move to the Bluebook digital testing application. Click the link for more information on Digital AP Exams

    When and where are the May 2025 exams being administered?

    • Exams will be administered between May 5-16, 2025 at Highland Park High School. 

    Registration for AP Exams

    • Students log on to their College Board account. We recommend using your D113 email address (not your parents' email). Students should create an account if they do not have one already.
    • Students "join" all their AP courses. AP Teachers have a list of join codes for their particular class and period.
    • Here are instructions for joining an AP class as well as a “Join Your AP Section” video tutorial.
    • **By joining each section, you are automatically registered for the AP exam. There are no other steps. Applicable exam fees will be automatically added to Infinite Campus later this fall.
    • If you do not intend to take the test, you MUST complete the “AP Exam Opt Out Request (2025)” by November 14, 2024. There is no cancellation fee if you complete the Opt Out form by November 14, 2024.

    Pricing/Payment/Registration Details

    • All 2025 AP exams cost $99 per exam if ordered by the November 14, 2024 deadline.
    • All students must register for each exam using a join code provided by their AP teacher. 
    • By using the join code you are automatically registered to take the test. 
    • The default test decision is “Yes” for all students using a join code. If you do not intend to take the test, you MUST complete the “AP Exam Opt Out Request (2025)” by November 14, 2023. There is no cancellation fee if you complete the Opt Out form by November 14.
    • All fees for year-long courses will be added on your Infinite Campus account after the November 14 registration deadline with payment in full by March 31, 2025.
    • AP exams will be free for any students currently on FRAM (Financial assistance program).
    • Late Fees (all of these fees are College Board fees).
      • There will be a $40 late fee for each exam ordered and/or registered for after the November 14, 2024 deadline (This fee does not apply to exams for the few courses that are second semester courses). See details below regarding a late test registration request.  
      • There will be a $40 late fee for any canceled exam after the November 14, 2024 deadline (see details below for further information).


    • Students “with accommodations” should check their College Board decision letters to make certain that all of the accommodations they are expecting to be tested with are available for AP tests. If they don't have their decision letters, they can log into their College Board account and view or download the letter.
    • As always, students may only use accommodations that have been approved by the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office.
    • Accommodation requests should be made by January 24, 2025. For any accommodation questions, please contact Jeff Rubin (jrubin@dist113.org), our District Accommodations Coordinator.

    Canceling the exam

    • After November 14, 2024, you must fill out the AP Exam Cancellation Request (2025)
    • If you cancel your order after the deadline of November 14, 2024, you will need to pay the $40 cancellation fee assessed by College Board. This includes students who drop a class.

    Late Test Registration Request

    • This request form will be posted after the initial ordering deadline of November 14, 2024

    Conflict Testing Request for Late Testing 

    • Please use the student email address only.
    • If a student has a conflict with the originally scheduled test date, please complete one AP Exam Conflict Testing Request (2025) form per exam conflict.
    • The reason for requesting a conflict must fall under one of the allowable reasons per College Board (reasons are listed on the form).

    Send or Get a Copy of Archived Scores

    • If your most recent AP exam was over four years ago, your scores are no longer viewable from the online score reporting system. Please contact the College Board directly to request an archived score. Further details can be found on the "Send or Get a Copy of Archived Scores" page.
  • Contact

    Matt Wallace

    Assistant Principal



    Jeff Handley

    Department Chair of World Languages



    Dan Kleinschrodt

    Department Chair of Science

