• Steps for Student Enrollment and Registration

    Step 1: Complete the Online Registration

    Step 2: Once your registration is submitted and reviewed, you will be contacted to provide additional information or documentation regarding your student.

       Schools of the district do not refuse to enroll a student because of a student's failure to present his/her student permanent or temporary records from a school attended previously. (Policy 7-50)

    Step 3: Once all information and documentation is collected, a registration meeting will be scheduled with Counselor.

    For incoming freshmen, course placement and scheduling will take place after registration has been completed. Course placement recommendations will be made available to families in Infinite Campus around the end of January, early February. Counselors will then meet individually with current 8th graders for course selection.  Schedules will be released to students shortly before the start of school year.

    For transfer students, once all documents have been submitted and residency has been verified, a member of the Counseling Department will contact you to set up testing and/or an intake meeting with a Counselor. Discussions regarding schedules, activities and athletics, among other topics will take place at this time. Both student and parent must be present at this meeting. Transfer students will be assessed in reading and math using STAR (online) for placement purposes. Students may also participate in assessments to determine if EL supports are necessary.

    The district allows a dependent of United States military personnel who is housed in temporary housing located outside of the district to enroll if the dependent will be living within the district within 6 months after the time of initial enrollment and the military personnel seeking to enroll the dependent under this exception provides proof that the dependent will be living within the boundaries of the district within 6 months. (Policy 7-60)

    School Board policy 6-140Education of Homeless Children, and its implementing administrative procedure, govern the enrollment of homeless children.