• Tier 2

    Whole child, targeted supplemental instruction and intervention



Degrees and Certifications:

Drop in Group Support

Teagan Tran, Carly Shepard, Pablo Alvarez

Group counseling (like psychoeducation, affinity, and support groups) is available through the Drop-In Center. These groups are facilitated year-round by school-based providers and contracted clinicians from outside agencies, as well as interns. Students may be referred to groups by counselors, deans, staff, parents, or through self-referral.

Groups meet on Giant days once a week on a rotating schedule. This means the first week group will meet 1st period; the second week group will meet 2nd period, and so on. Students attending a group will be excused from class. Students need to scan in at the Drop-In Center and check with the teacher regarding missed assignments. Students are expected to attend class if a test, major assignment, presentation. etc. is scheduled that day. Otherwise, consistent attendance at each group meeting is expected.

Emails: Ttran@dist113.orgCshepard@dist113.org,  Palvarez@dist113.org




Degrees and Certifications:

English Lab - Freshmen

Katie Zoloto & Alexis Enriquez

Freshmen English Lab is a small learning community that aims to support freshmen during their transition to high school, while nurturing and strengthening the development of their reading skills, writing skills, and academic identities. The overall goal of the course is to build the academic and content area literacy skills of our students in order to better prepare them for the academic rigor of high school and college. Placement in this support is a deliberate one. Teachers may group students flexibly and allocate class time based on skill-development, enrichment opportunities, interest, or targeted interventions; thus, the class may split at times and remain together at others. Students will set rigorous personal learning goals and will be pushed to their highest potential.  The purpose of this additional time is to support students in their development of the Freshman English and Literacy Standards.

Emails: kzoloto@dist113.org, aenriquez@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

English Lab - Sophomores

Melissa Szlachta

Sophomore English Lab is a small learning community that aims to nurture and strengthen the development of a student’s academic identity through building their content area reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The overall goal of the extra time during the week with the student’s English teacher is to build the academic and content area literacy skills in order to better prepare students for the academic rigor of core English 2 course. Placement in this support is a deliberate one. Students are grouped flexibly to focus on skill-development, enrichment opportunities, or targeted reading and writing interventions.

Email: mszlachta@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

English Lab - Juniors

Kevin Lakani

Junior English Lab is a small learning community that aims to nurture and strengthen the development of a student’s academic skills with a strong focus on assessment literacy. The overall goal of the extra time during the week with the student’s English teacher is to build the academic and content area literacy skills in order to better prepare students for the academic rigor of the core American Literature or American Studies course or standardized assessments. Placement in this support is a deliberate one. Students are grouped flexibly to focus on skill-development, enrichment opportunities, or targeted reading and writing interventions.

Email: klakani@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

Algebra I Lab

Nancy Quiroga & Kristen Thomas

Algebra I Lab is a small group support class offered to students who are enrolled in Algebra I.  Placement in this class is intentional, and at the start of the school year, is based on students’ grades in their 8th grade math course and their MAP/STAR scores.  The goal of this course is to help students develop a growth mindset in mathematics by providing targeted content support.  Students will work to fill content gaps as well as develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.  Time in Lab is determined based on the students’ schedule; for the most part, students will attend Lab twice a week, for a total of 50 additional minutes of targeted algebra support.

Emails: nquiroga@dist113.org, kthomas@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

Geometry Lab

Daniel Spychala & Nicole Watson

Geometry Lab is a small group support class offered to students who are enrolled in Geometry.  Placement in this class is intentional, and at the start of the school year, is based on students’ grades in their Algebra I course and their MAP/STAR scores.  The goal of this course is to help students develop a growth mindset in mathematics by providing targeted content support.  Students will work to fill content gaps as well as develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.  Time in Lab is determined based on the students’ schedule; for the most part, students will attend Lab twice a week, for a total of 50 additional minutes of targeted algebra support.

Emails: dspychala@dist113.org, nwatson@dist113.org