• International Options

    Each year a number of our students explore options at a variety of colleges and universities around the globe.  From Canada to the UK, Scotland to Italy, postsecondary options for Highland Park students are endless.   In addition to the obvious advantages of receiving a global education, students who attend college abroad often find other advantages in cost, shorter time to degree completion, and the opportunkty to "study abroad" elsewhere around the globe, including the U.S. For more information on International options for your postsecondary life, check out the resources below:

    International College Options 

    NACAC Guide to International University Admissions


    Gap Year

    Students and families explore the idea of taking a Gap Year between the last year of high school and the start of college for a variety of reasons.  Some are unsure of what they want to do after graduation and relish the opportunity to explore some of their interests.  Others feel a year of independence and maturing will be beneficial to them when they begin their college life.  Still others are a little burnt out and can use a bit of a rejuvenation before continuing on with their academic career.  For all of these reasons and many more Gap Years are becoming more and more popular.  If you are interested in gaining a better understanding of how Gap Years work from an admissions perspective and the different options available check out some of the resources below and, as always, feel free to have a conversation about it with your Postsecondary Counselor.

    How a Gap Year Prepares Students for College

    Gap Year Association - List of member offerings of the gap year professional organization

    Gap Year Programs in Israel

    List of Gap Year resources

    Gap Year Fairs - Including one offered annually at New Trier

    Gap Year Association - Great resource covering all of the aspects of taking a Gap Year