• Tier 2 Village Team


    We are a community of supportive learners engaged in self-transformation to facilitate the academic and social emotional growth and health for all.


    A multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) will provide a guiding framework for our team to advocate for students by removing systemic barriers, use research-based practices to support the whole child, make decisions for targeted interventions based on data, and hold ourselves accountable to help students access their own achievement.



Degrees and Certifications:

Math Support

Jonathan Hagberg

I provide a targeted Tier 2 Math Intervention to students who are identified by an academic, attendance, or SEL/Well-Being need for support to access their own potential. I use a whole-child approach to provide support through a math lens, focusing on the student’s math class. Students set a S.M.A.R.T. Goal, follow action steps, and self-reflect weekly. I am also on HP’s Data Team, which is a team that collects and analyzes data to create and implement tools for the purposes of school improvement and Tier 2 Interventions.

Office hours: Tuesdays, 8:00 - 8:30am

Email: jhagberg@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

English Support

Joe Bucolo

The English Tier 2 Intervention focuses on data-driven approaches, using research-based strategies for increasing literacy (vocabulary support, fluency, word recognition, decoding strategies, reading for meaning strategies), as informed by formative and summative assessments in a student’s English class. Students will routinely set goals and evaluate their progress, while addressing executive functioning skills in their work with us.

Office hours: by appointment

Emails: Jbucolo@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

Social Studies Support

Chris Kean

Using our district’s Guiding Principles, we provide support to our fellow learners in pursuit of developing social-emotional well-being, self-advocacy, and  academic skills for success in school and beyond.  Our curriculum focuses on student engagement strategies, relationship building, executive functioning, digital literacy, and developing confidence, fluency and discipline specific vocabulary through direct instruction. 

Office Hours: 1-1:45pm (MTF)

Emails: Ckean@dist113.org




Degrees and Certifications:

Science Support

Darline Alonso & Dan Kleinschrodt

We support students who have been identified by needs that are demonstrated through academic, attendance, and SEL/Well-Being data collected via Panorama. While this is a Science specific intervention, a whole-child approach is used and done so through a Science lens. We created a list of relevant goals that we target while working with students to develop their Science skills and Science literacy. We also integrate standards set by various course teams within the department to align our Tier 2 interventions with the objectives of the Tier 1 supports they receive in the classroom.

Office Hours: by appointment

Emails: dalonso@dist113.org, dkleinschrodt@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

Check & Connect

Daniel Hoskin

We support students through a data-informed and evidenced based intervention called Check & Connect. The goal of Check & Connect is to increase student attendance and engagement in school and to help support students in accomplishing their goals and to be successful in school. An important component of Check & Connect is mentoring and relationship building. We meet with students weekly and work together to create goals, problem solve, and to make progress toward goals. We provide social-emotional support to students, monitor data, and focus on student strengths and growth throughout our meetings.

Office Hours: Please reach out and we can set up a time to meet!

Email: dhoskin@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

Attendance Support

Ambar Rizwan

We provide targeted Tier 2 and 3 attendance intervention to students who are identified by an academic, attendance, or SEL/Well-Being need for support. The Dean's office and MTSS team identify students who are in critical need of support in getting to school. Outreach and problem solving with families is included in this effort. The VAS interventionist has a caseload of students who have been identified as needing acute support once in the building.  We use a whole-child approach to provide support through a relationship building lens, focusing on the student’s attendance and academic performance overall. Students set a S.M.A.R.T. Goal, follow action steps, and self-reflect weekly for the length of the intervention. Ambar is available to problem-solve chronic attendance concerns and help uncover the need that the behavior may be communicating.

Office Hours: Vary by day, send me an email and we can set something up!

Email: arizwan@dist113.org



Degrees and Certifications:

Village Dual Language Support

Debbie Lewicki & Ambar Rizwan

We provide targeted Tier 2 support and intervention to students who are identified by an academic, attendance, and/or SEL/Well-Being need for support to access their own potential. We use a whole-child approach to provide support through a dual language lens, focusing on the students language and dual language classes.  We use strategies to build students’ literacy and oracy skills and provide them with scaffolding to transfer skills between languages.

Office Hours: Debbie -Tuesdays 8:00-8:30 (A309), Ambar - Vary by day, send me an email and we can set something up!

Emails: dlewicki@dist113.org, arizwan@dist113.org