Withdrawing From a Course

  • After consulting with their teacher and counselor, and with the permission of the parent or guardian, a student grades 9-12 may choose to withdraw from a course so long as the 5-credit minimum in policy 7-40 is maintained. When students withdraw from a class, they will be assigned to a study hall for the class period formerly occupied by the withdrawn course. Students receive no credit for withdrawn classes, and withdrawn classes cannot be used as prerequisites for subsequent classes.

    We discourage students from withdrawing from courses. In most cases, students who are struggling with their performance in a class will be better served with more time to complete their learning and schoolwork.

    When a class is withdrawn, the class will not appear on their transcript, except for either of following situations:

    1. If at any time the withdrawal places them below the credit minimum described in policy 7-40 (5 credits), the course remains on their transcript as withdrawn (code “W”); or
    2. If the withdrawal takes place after week 12 of the semester, the course remains on their transcript with a withdrawn code (“W”).

    These withdrawn courses will not contribute or detract from the student’s grade point average and cannot be used as a prerequisite for subsequent coursework or designations.