• Listed below is some information to assist you in registering your gymnast.
    When communicating with your student athletes be sure to include:
    1. Parents/legal guardians must register student athletes on the rschool athletic website https://deerfield-ar.rschooltoday.com/
    NOTEThis will not work on a cell phone - must use a computer.
    2.  A current athletic physical must be uploaded to rschool (NO PAPER) - Student/parents should check the date of the last exam to be sure the athletic physical is current. Athletic physicals are valid for 13 months from the date of the exam.  Be sure they are using the correct form - either of two forms listed below are acceptable.
    3.  Athletics is a separate entity from the Health Services/Nurses office.






    Tenative Times and Days


    Monday through Friday either 4:00- 6:00 or 6:30- 8:30 ( Alternating weeks)

    *Saturday practices to be determined



    You must adhere to all IDPH/ IHSA /DHS Covid-19 Safety Protocols and Procedures.


    You must be at practice! Practice times are listed on the calendars you received.

    Not knowing what time we have practice is not an acceptable excuse.

    Missed practices can not be made up.

    Please let your coach(es) know in advance, if you are not going to be at practice. 


    • Excused

    An excused absence includes: illness, religion conflicts, family vacation, college visits,staying late at school with a teacher.

    If you are absent from school all day, you are excused from practice, a parent email to your coach before practice that day.

    • Unexcused

    Homework, babysitting, work, haircuts, dates, not feeling like coming to practice, or being injured. If you are injured, you must still attend all practices ( unless at trainer or doctor)


    If you need to see the trainer, you should go directly after school and come to practice as soon as possible. Any injury must be reported to the coaches immediately. Taping, icing  can be done at practice rather than the training room.



    You must be at practice the day before a meet or you will not compete in the meet. 

    You must attend at least ½ day of school the day of the meet to be eligible to compete.



    Other Expectations

    Gymnasts will not be allowed to use cell phones during practice time. 

    To Varsity Letter - you must compete in 4 varsity meets or score higher than a varsity competitor whose score counts toward the team score.